Unit 6- Electricity & Magnetism

Electrical Circuits- Circuitos Eléctricos

Electrical Charges- Cargas Eléctricas

Electrical Current- Corriente Eléctrica

“In a way”- De manera, de forma

Allow- Permitir

Generator- Generador

Battery- Batería

Cables- Cables

Appliances- Electrodomésticos

Flashlights- Linterna

Toys- Juguetes

Recharge- Recarga

Photovoltaic Cells- Células Fotovoltaicas

Alternators- Alternadores

Transform- Transformar

Mechanism- Mecanismo

Light Bulbs- Bombilla

Heat – El Calor

Sound- Sonido

Movement- Movimiento

Switch- Interruptor

Flow- Flujo

Circulate- Circular

Wire- Cable, Alambre

Heat (up)- Calentar

Magnetism- Magnetismo

Behave- Comportar(se)

Magnet- Imán

Electromagnet- Electroimán

Conductor- Conductor

Toaster- Tostadora

Speakers- Altavoces

Fan- Ventilador

Washing Machine- Lavadora

Electrical Grid- Red Eléctrica

Socket- Enchufe

An electrical circuit is formed by various parts connected in a way that allows the circulation of an electrical current. 

A generator produces an electric current with a battery.  There are various types of generators: 

            Batteries are used in small appliances like flashlights and toys.

            Photovoltaic Cells transform light into electrical current. Some          calculators have small ones.

Alternators produce electrical currents thanks to a turning mechanism.  These are used to recharge a car battery or power a bike light for example.

Light Bulbs, Electric Motors and other components convert the electrical current into light, movement, heat, and sound.

Switches make it possible to control the current in the circuit.  They make the current flow and stop flowing.

When electrical currents circulate through a conductor, they can produce heat, light, sound, magnetism and movement. When an electrical current circulates through a wire, it can heat up.  This is what happens in a toaster.  Electrical current can produce light as we see in a light bulb.  Sound can be produced with electrical current like in speakers in a radio.  When an electrical current circulates through a wire, the wire behaves like a magnet, as in an electromagnet.  In electric motors the current produces a turning movement like in a fan.

Many electrical appliances like lamps and washing machines do not work with batteries.  They must be connected to the electrical grid through a socket.